
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

W is for...Watermelon

Now that we are on summer vacation there are so many things to look forward to: warm weather, sunshine, t-ball and tennis for Mason, swimming lessons and theater camp for Emily, visiting family, barbecues, going to the beach... I could go on and on.

There are a few challenges that come with the change in schedule and season but one challenge that I had not considered until recently was the daily question: What is there to eat?

On the snack front I try to keep it healthy and easy. That's my goal and so far it is going pretty well. My kids are definitely snackers. They will eat most of a meal but then be hungry again an hour later. I figure that their little bodies need lots of fuel to grow so I feed them on "demand" so to speak.

One of the favorite snacks that we have stumbled across lately is fresh fruit, especially watermelon and cantaloupe, cut into bite size pieces and eaten with a toothpick.

The toothpick is key. My six-year-old angel of a daughter can be a picky eater at times and she thought she didn't like watermelon. But wait, what is that cool thing that her brother is eating with? A toothpick. Okay, now she likes watermelon. Surprise, surprise.

That toothpick changes an ordinary snack into something extra special. Amazing.

This post is participating in Alphabe-Thursday "W is for..."


Unknown said...

A toothpick sounds like it is a wonderful thing. It must dress up the food and make it something special.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Dahlink, a toothpick changes a snack into hors hors d'oeuvres!! Most Excellent W!

Brenda said...

There have been a couple of watermelon post this week. I think I will have to buy some for the weekend.

Kat said...

This was a cute post. I'll have to try the toothpick trick the next time we are entertaining our very finicky niece! I chose watermelon for my subject this week too. But you might not want to let the kids read it - bad influence that I am and all :) Kathy

GardenOfDaisies said...

Oh you are a smart momma!! So the toothpick did the trick! :-)

Unknown said...

sometimes when you have a picky eater, you have to get creative...i love watermelon!

Cheryl D. said...

My daughter loves eating things with toothpicks. She thinks it makes it into a party! LOL!

Betty said...

Yes, that's just like kids...anything a little different and the toothpick does the trick for you! Have you ever thought of melon balls? The kids might enjoy making those themselves with the little melon ball tool.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I do that for my grandkids and they love it! Sometimes I cut up a pineapple and stick toothpicks in the pieces also....

Viki said...

This was a very clever way to get your daughter to try them. Maybe you could try this with other stuff and she won't be so picky lol. It's worth a try. Great W post.

Jenny said...

Welcome to Alphabe-Thursday!

What a fun stop here on our little journey through the letter "W"!

Isn't it funny how toothpicks can make everything more appetizing to little ones?

And actually, come to think of it...I'm always pretty tempted to eat things of toothpicks, too.

Cute family!


Christy said...

I have been using the toothpick trick for years - it just adds to the fun for everyone! We also use chopsticks - they add an oriental ninja like fun to foods.
Way to go momma!

H said...

Watermelon has definitely been a bit of a theme on Alphabe-Thursday this week; so much so that I went out and bought one yesterday! The toothpick is a really good idea. I'll try it :)

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