
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I Heart Tori & Kate

Okay, I have something to admit. I've become a reality TV junky. Not all reality TV - just a few shows that I'm obsessed with lately.

It all started when after Ryan was born and I stopped working. No more sitting at the table grading papers all evening for me (high school English teachers out there will relate). I had time to watch some TV, especially while sitting comfortably on the couch feeding the baby or folding laundry, both of which I do A LOT.

Here's a run down of my new favorites:

Tori & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood - I love Tori and Dean. Who woulda thought it, but Tori is a cool chic. I want to hang out with her. We could talk baby stuff and I'd love to hear more about what it was like growing up as a bizillionaire. (Another confession: I just finished reading her first book, too. I told you I'm obsesssed.) I also love the Guncles. Mehran is so sweet. Who wouldn't love a best friend like him?

Giuliana & Bill - Another surprisingly likable couple. Why is it so entertaining to watch them live their regular lives. I guess because their "regular lives" are a lot more exciting than mine. Giuliana cracks me up. They make such a cute couple and I would love to be invited to their next dinner party. (Did you see the episode when Giuliana cooked for the first time? Loved it.)

The Next Food Network Star - This one just started up again and I'm way too excited about it. Sometimes when I'm in the kitchen I imagine that I'm about to serve my dish to the selection committee and I only have a few minutes to pull it off. (Okay, okay, I'm a huge dork.)

Kate Plus Eight - Another big confession. I like Kate. Most people don't, or at least it seems that way. I will say that her fake nails, hair extensions, and high heels make her less of a relatable mom than when she was cooking in her small kitchen and serving up dinner on paper plates, but I still like her. I even voted for her on Dancing With the Stars a couple of times even though she could not dance worth a darn. She had to put up with her husband cheating on her in front of the whole world, so how can you not be on her side, even if she is a bit really uptight?

I would soooo love to have a girls night out with Tori, Giuliana, Susie and Giada from the Food Network, and Kate. Do you think they'd all make the trip to Oregon to hang out with me? Maybe not, so I'll just keep watching them from afar and pretending that they're my girlfriends. (Wow, that sounded pathetic, huh? Good thing I have awesome girlfriends of my own to hang out with already.)

If you could have a reality TV girls night out, who would you invite?

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